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SAMLight Manual > Option SAM3D > Job Processing > Special Sequences

Special Sequences
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Like in 2D Mode, it is also possible to define special jobs which are executed before or after the marking process. This can be the movement of configured motion controllers, as well as ScOverride entities or entities that wait for an external input signal, or entities that set a special output signal. Since the functionality is exactly the same in 2D Mode, please refer to the chapter Special Sequences in User Interface → Toolbar.

For example:

First setup a Mark Preprocessing.


Figure 455: Jobs toolbar

In the window that opens create a Motion Control by clicking on the Motion Control Icon MotionControl.


Figure 456: Mark Preprocessing Dialog

In this case, the motor will move to its start position at X=Y=Z=0 before the marking is started. Now, select Slice Postprocessing from the Jobs toolbar.


Figure 457: Jobs toolbar

Then, create a motion control entity:


Figure 458: Slice Postprocessing Dialog

In this example, a motion control is inserted after every mark of a slice, which will move the Z-axis 0.1 mm and leave the actual X and Y position. Now, the job is ready to be marked as a complete 3D Object.

Job Properties: It is possible to store the jobs in the Jobs Toolbar when saving the 3D job in a *.s3d file. Therefore, go to File → Job Properties and enable the checkbox "Save 3D pre/post jobs in 's3d' job file".


Figure 459: Save 3D pre/post jobs in file