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SAMLight Manual > Entities (Objects) > Barcode > Barcode Format > QR Code EX

QR Code EX
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Check out our SAMLight Video Tutorial regarding the Barcode Wounding:


A special barcode type QR Code EX is available. This barcode is like a QR Code barcode with the additional feature that an Entity can be embedded in the center of the Barcode. Therefore select QR Code EX in the barcode drop down box and click on Extended. The following dialog will be shown:


Figure 221: QR Code EX extended dialog


Figure 222: QR Code with "USC" wounding


Invert: Inverts the barcode.

Generate dots: The barcode will consist of dots. If this checkbox is activated, the parameters of the drill property page will be taken (if activated) instead of the parameters of the scanner property page. Cellmode will be enabled automatically.

Cellmode (required for Flash): The barcode will consist of cells. Cellmode is required for Flash applications.

Enable~: Allows to encode 3-digit decimal values. The format is ~d followed by 3 digits. This leads to a compression of the data because ~d will not be used and the following 3 digits as decimal number will be encoded by the according character in the ASCII-table. For example: ~d090 will be changed into 90 of the ASCII-table, e.g. the character Z. (Note that UTF8 Encoding is not compatible with this ~ mode and needs to be deactivated.)

Quiet Zone [%]: Apply a border to the barcode.

Absolute: Switches from % to absolute unit according to the current SAMLight unit.

Number of Dots: Choose the number of dots that are displayed in one cell. it can be 1, 4, 9 and 16.

Characteristics: Different level of error correction and barcode size can be chosen via drop down menu.

Level: Set the error correction level.

Version: Force the size (x-y). The user can also select the MicroQrCode Version here. Available modi are: Auto, M1, M2, M3 and M4.

Encoding: Set the encoding mode. Avaiable is: Automatic, Numeric, Alpha, Byte and Kanji

Wounding: Embed an Entity inside the QR Code.

Wound Entity Name: Name of the entity that has to be embedded inside of the QR code. If the edit field is blank no entity will be embedded.

Padding: Define a border around the embedded entity.

Text: Specify an offset in x and y for a human readable text which can be displayed in addition to the barcode.

Freely editable text: The position of the human readable text can be placed freely and will be kept at this position also if the content of the barcode is changed.

Text XOffset: Shifts the human readable text in x direction. This offset is kept also if the content of the barcode is changed.

Text YOffset: Shifts the human readable text in y direction. This offset is kept also if the content of the barcode is changed.

Cell Size [%]: The cell size can be reduced in x and y. The reduction is specified in %.

Apply to empty cells: If this checkbox is active, the cell size reduction is applied to the empty (white) cells instead of the filled (black) cells.


QR Code mode is automatically adjusted to the type of characters in the text field (see Barcode). (e.g. '12345' = numeric mode, '12345A' = alphanumeric mode, '12345Aa' = binary mode)

With this change of mode, the number of allowed characters often changes as well.