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SAMLight Manual > Entities Properties > Transformations > 2D Transformations

2D Transformations
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For the transformations by mouse, see chapter View2D, Manipulation of Objects.

Transformations by keyboard: The dimension property page can be used to change the dimension of the selected entity. This page has no Apply button. The Translate, Scale, Rotate and Outline operations can be executed separately by typing in the requested values and clicking the corresponding Go button.


Figure 290: 2D Transformation Dialog

Translate: Translation values X and Y are relative values to the actual position.

Scale: Scale values X and Y are relative values to the actual size of the entity.


Center: The default coordinates of the rotation center are the center coordinates of the selected object. After each transformation the center of the object is recalculated.



X: Positions the left border of the outline

Y: positions the lower border of the outline.


X: Positions the right border of the outline

Y: positions the upper border of the outline.

dim: Defines the width X and the height Y of the outline. If Keep Aspect Ratio is selected, the relation between X and Y value keeps constant after an outline transformation.

center: Active if the right middle radio button is selected. Positions the middle point of outline.

Radio buttons: Shows according min/max x/y edit fields, e.g. with selecting  the upper left check box the upper left outline point can be repositioned.

Show Transformation State: When this is selected a dialog appears which shows the absolute translation, scale and rotate values of the selected object. See image below:


Figure 291: 2D Transformation State

Trans X, Trans Y: Shows the translation in X and Y direction.

Scale X, Scale Y: Shows the scaling in X and Y direction.

Angle: Shows the rotation angle of the entity.

Freeze Transformation State: Saves the current state, so that it can be reproduced later if some changes have been made and you wish to make them undo.

Goto Last Freeze State: Reproduce the state that was previously saved with "Freeze Transformation State".