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SAMLight Manual > Entities (Objects) > Bitmap > Bitmap Extended

Bitmap Extended
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Press the Extended... button in the bitmap property page to get the dialog shown below.


Figure 243: Bitmap Marking Extended Dialog


The Following settings are valid for Reimport which is useable for a Client Interface application.

Gray Scale:

Pen Frequency: Check this box to take the pen frequency for marking bitmaps. This will adapt the resolution of one pixel line to the speed and the frequency of pen.

Jump over Blank Pixel: To optimize marking time blank pixels will be skipped. SAMLight will skip all first and last pixels of a bitmap line with a gray value higher or equal than the threshold value 'Blank Threshold'. Blank pixels in between nonblank pixels will be jumped with MarkSpeed, not with JumpSpeed.

Blank Threshold: This value has a range from 255 (white) to 0 (black). The default value is 250.

Line Index Step: This feature can be used to reduce local heating of the target material at marking gray scale bitmaps. If ‘Line Index Step' = x > 1 the bitmap will not be marked line by line in one run but in x runs where in each run every xth line will be marked. For example a Line Index Step of '3' results in this marking order: 1, 4, 7, 10, .., 2, 5, 8, 11, .., 3, 6, 9, 12, ..

Black and White:

Random Noise: Creates a rougher scanner bitmap than Floyd Steinberg, but doesn't tend to produce moiré patterns. As the name suggests, if used several times Random Noise generates different scanner bitmap patterns for the same bitmap.

Floyd Steinberg: Creates a smoother scanner bitmap than Random Noise, but tends to produce moiré patterns. Always generates identical scanner bitmaps for the same bitmap if applied several times.

Limits: Define Width and/or Height as a placeholder property for reimport. With keep ratio the aspect ratio is kept.

Position: Define a position for the bitmap placeholder. The coordinates of the reference point are defined with the X and Y edit fields. The radiobuttons define the point of attack of the bitmap.

Mark Flags:

Bidirectional: If checked the scanner does not jump to the beginning but to the end of the next line if it reaches the end of a line. For more details please refer to Marking Bidirectional.

Begin with Last Line: If checked the scanner begins drawing from the last line instead of the first line of the bitmap.

ScanXDir: The default scanning direction is y, so the scanner moves from bottom to top while scanning. To choose x as scanning direction activate this checkbox.

No Line Increment: If checked the scanner draws all bitmap lines into one line. This is necessary if for example the workpiece itself is rotated during marking.

DrillMode: The pixels of a bitmap will be handled as single points. If the drill mode in the Pen is active, the points will be marked with the drill mode property page for pens. Each pixel will be handled if its gray value > 0. So as default it is a black / white mode.

DrillGrayscale: Only available in combination with the DrillMode. The drill time on each pixel depends on its gray value. If the pixel is white, the drill time that is adjusted in the pen is executed. If it is black, the drill time is zero. In between the drill time of a pixel grows linearly with its gray value.